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Invest in the biggest
and best ice cream brand
of Paraná!

Participate in the history of one of the fastest growing companies in southern Brazil.

Be a partner of Geloni Sorvetes and bring more flavor, joy and quality to your customers!

Increase in revenue

On-site support for partners

Custom freezers included

Benefits of being a Geloni partner

Good profit margin

Geloni Sorvetes has a 90% acceptance in its products, because we work with a unique flavor and competitive prices. Everything designed to maximize the turnover of your business. Fast sales, certain profit, with low investment.

Face-to-face service

You can count on the constant support of Geloni’s team to turn your investment into a sales success! We serve each partner according to their needs and business particularities.

Custom Freezers

Modern, customized freezers that work ecologically within the reduced range of energy consumption, plus several updated graphic materials such as catalogs, stickers, and more.

Efficient Logistics

With an exclusive fleet of trucks, we guarantee a fast delivery, contributing to the fact that Geloni products are soon in your establishment, as soon as the order is accounted for.

Own factory

Quality and exclusive taste of Geloni
Catalog with + 0 products

Variety for every type of customer

Present in + 0 cities

More than 4500 points of sale in Paraná and São Paulo

Linha completa de PDV

Materiais de divulgação incluso

Offer Geloni products in your establishment

Offer Geloni products in your establishment

Selling Geloni products means working with a pioneer brand in ice cream in Paraná, which values its partners, its history, tradition, and quality

Fill out the form beside and guarantee the ice cream of the best moments for your customers.

Bring your brand to Geloni Ice Creams

Thinking of your convenience, Geloni Sorvetes provides from the formulation, through manufacturing, labeling and delivery of the products, for you to focus only on the most important thing: the sale!

Your customized branded food will be produced in our factory and will have the expertise of a specialized team.

Are you interested? Contact us and find out how to maximize your business!